2009 - 2018:
- Elected for the fourth time Member of Parliament, as nominated by the Future Movement.
- Unanimously elected Member of Parliament Bureau Committee
- Chairman of Parliamentary Committee of Information Technology till 2012.
- Member of Parliamentary Committee of Finance and Budget
- Member of parliamentary Committee of Immigrants and Foreign Affairs
- Elected Member of Parliament for the North's District One
- Appointed as Minister of Youth and Sports in the new Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Fouad Seniora.
- Following the events in Al-Ashrafiyyah on February 6, 2006. He was appointed as Minister of Interior and Municipalities by interim, and remained in this position until the assassination of Minister Pierre Gemayel, and the responsibility's resumption of original Minister, in November 23, 2006.
- Forcibly stay at the Grand Serail from November 25 , 2006 till the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS OF President Michel Suleiman in May 2008
- Elected Member of Parliament for the North's District One.
- Individual Candidacy nominated by the Future Movement where the entire District one (Akkar, Besharré, El Dannieh) and classified as the Highest vote-earner drawing 46,383 votes.
- Joined on individual basis the Lebanese Opposition upon presenting its Political paper, the Future Movement was informed and did not object. Later on, both the Future Movement and the Parliamentarian Block of Beirut decision joined the Lebanese Opposition the day of Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri's assassination.
- Dr. Fatfat announced the gathering statement of Lebanese Opposition in its meeting held in Al Mokhtara On March 2, 2005.The main Opposition's demands included in the statement were:
- The resignation of the country's top security chiefs in the wake of former Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri's assassination
- Immediate Withdrawal of all Syrian troops and intelligence agencies from Lebanon.
- Call for International Investigation Committee into the assassination of Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
- Call for International supervision in the parliamentary elections.

- Member of the Parliamentary Committee of Lebanese-Japanese Friendship
- Member of the Parliamentary Committee of Lebanese-Belgium Friendship.
- Member of Parliamentary Committee of Health, Labor and Social Affairs.
- Member of Parliamentary Committee of Administration and Justice.
- Coordinator of the Future Movement in the Department of Menyeh- El Dannieh, since 1999.
1996- 2000
- Member of Parliament for the Northern Region. Department of Menyeh-El Dannieh
- Member of Development and Modification Bloc
- Return to Lebanon, and decision to launch a political career.
- Start of his professional career as medical Specialist.
- President of "Al Najda Al Shaabiyah" or National Salvation- NGO- in Tripoli.
- Active participation in establishing an NGO: The Cultural Assembly in El Dannieh region.
- Unsuccessful candidacy in the 1992 Parliamentary elections.
- Transfer from work with popular foundations to politics.
- Planning and preparation for the 1996 elections.
- Representative Spokesman of the Lebanese Movement in Belgium.
- Experience in Humanitarian work starting when he came from Belgium to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, with OXFAM NGO members, to provide medical assistance and financial help for persons displaced by the Israeli invasion from the South and Beirut to the Bekaa
- This humanitarian experience helped him to familiarize himself with the political situation in Lebanon and to put his theoretical views into practice.